Observant retailers around the globe realise that Customer Experience is the final frontier for them to differentiate themselves from their competitors. We all know that customers are mighty hard (and expensive) to acquire and keeping them coming back to purchase again over time is an art form in itself. Let’s be frank, customer’s expectations and demands from their relationships with retailers are often much higher than their retailer can deliver. Just like Violet Beauregarde from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, customers want their Oompa Loompa, and they want it now! Quite simply, customers will be lost if they’re not getting the experience that they expect, and will be heading to the competitor next door, or clicking on the next option in their Google search before you have a chance to diffuse their gripe and entice them back…
We have spoken with a number of retailers in our local market, trying to determine what capabilities they would love to see in solutions that will help them achieve their Customer Experience goals. Based on the feedback they shared with us, it seems that they definitely know what they want, and the ideal solution they’d like sounds very similar to an enterprise Customer Data Platform (CDP) solution. But in reality, the size of our local population and the proportionate size of our retailers, the enterprise size solutions are just too far out of reach. They retailers we spoke to all shared a number of common blockers that are preventing them from implementing a solution. From restrictive large set up and licensing costs, to drawn out implementation times. We’ve heard you loud and clear and we believe that we now have an option!
Our team at Marketsoft have taken all the feedback received, and we’ve combined that with our 30 years of data services experience in our local market. We called on our close partners at RedPoint Global, and together, we believe that we’ve developed an ideal CDP solution option for our local retailers. Powered by RedPoint, supported and managed by Marketsoft in Australia, together we’ve built a solution specifically for our local retail marketers, while removing most of the blockers! We’ve named this solution, UnifiedCustomer, and we’re excited to launch it into market and we’re ready to meet with you to explore what’s under the bonnet, and how your business could benefit by adding it to your tool kit.
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